AI Video Blog

The video is very surprising because they go into great detail about the clear usage of these technologies that the big tech companies are using to invade our privacy and all other sorts of things. Before watching this video, I had already known that this stuff was happening over in China, but I did not really know how it was happening and the video showed a lot of insight into how things work over there. What scares me the most, is the fact that there are a lot more places already trying China's social credit system than I had originally thought. I think is very alarming because once you start putting labels on people, bad things tend to happen. This has happened over and over throughout history; Hitler and the Jews, Sunni and Shia, and the Uighur's in China. Once you give that kind of power to the government, you already lost because you forfeited your rights away and the government then controls everything. At the end of the video, they were talking about how the Chinese company Weiway was in trouble for something and said that the company was private and not acting in favor of the party. And the video was explaining how that when the time comes and the party calls for the cooperation they will be there. There are a lot of American companies that are state-based in China like, Facebook, Twitter, Nike, and Google. Now, who is to say that these companies are not heavily influenced by the Communist Party of China. Just the other day Nike CEO, John Donahoe said, "Nike is of China and for China." This means that American companies are subject to compromise and this should worry you because Nike could be the first of many.


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