EOTO: The Printing Press


Up until about the 1440s, it was uncommon for people to own books or let alone read. Only the church, libraries, wealthy people of the time would have owned them and really the only people that could read them. This is because, at the time, most books were written in Vernacular; which was like common Latin, and only those smart enough could read them. That is until Johannes Gutenburg invented the Printing Press; which allowed for the mass production of books in multiple languages, so everyone had access to read. The Printing Press came out during the height of the Renaissance era, which allowed the works of great writers to spread throughout the world quickly and easily. Johannes Gutenburg was just a man with a dream; that dream being that everyone has the same access to information that should be common knowledge, but is not because they could not read back then. However, with the invention of the Printing Press, it made it a lot easier for people to get the education they need to be able to read and understand what was written. Before the Printing Press was invented it was only the church, scholars, and the wealthy that could read. This brought up issues amongst the church because before people had access to The Bible, only the church had copies, and only they could read it because it was in Vernacular. This raised issues because, during this time, the church was corrupt and was "interpreting" The Bible however they wanted and the common folk did not know any better. That is until the Printing Press was invented which allowed people to have copies of The Bible in their own houses and even in their own languages. So at that point, the church started to lose some of its power, because people began to interpret The Bible differently than how the church was telling them to. The invention of the Printing Press would, later on, usher in the Reformation period, or the "Protestant Reformation." 

The Printing Press is something that was used to make written information widely known throughout the world. It is a very good invention with very good intentions; however, there are some people out there that used this invention to spread misinformation around the world and deliberately lie to people. We have seen this happen multiple times throughout history where someone lies to their people for the gain of themselves. Hitler, for example, lied to German people, got all the Germans to think that Jewish people were the cause of the country's shortcomings straight after WWI, and eventually started WWII because of his misinformation and what they were doing to the Jewish population. More recently, mainstream media has become a part of this misinformation spreading, by lying to the American people for over a year and helping cover the tracks of the communist regime in China. The reason I say this is because for the last year anyone who thought the "lab leak theory" could be real was dismissed and pushed aside and called a conspiracy theorist. It was Trump that first suggested it, so it makes sense that they would try to dismiss it because they hate Trump, but it was a very real possibility that the media swore up and down was fake. A year later, a few Faucci email leaks here and there, and it turns out to be true. Is it not crazy to you that instead of maybe looking into the "lab leak" theory the media just straight up said no it is not true now leave it alone. Since it turns out to be true and Faucci actually funded the production of this virus, we as the American people have been lied to in what seems to be the biggest cover-up in human history with the MSM and their cohorts at the front of all the lying.



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