Final Blog

Before I moved down to Florida for the summer, I would wake up, get on my gaming PC, and start doing something. I would do this until later in the day when I go to bed. I would not say I have the healthiest relationship when it comes to technology and that is because I like to play video games. However, I am not always playing video games while I am on my computer because I use it to do a lot of my school work, which includes animating and designing characters and levels for video games that I make. So, about half the time I am working on something, and the other half is just me goofing around playing video games with my friends. There are moments when I sit there and tell myself I need to take a little because it can get strenuous on the eyes, so I usually take a nap or got sit outside by the pool. I would say that I used to spend a good portion of my day on my computer, but since I moved down to Florida I have not touched it because I did not bring it with me. I would say at times my relationship with my computer is unhealthy, but that is only because I use it quite literally everything. The only time I ever use my laptop is right now because my computer is back home in North Carolina and when I attend class in person. Other than that, it is worthless to me because it cannot handle the kind of animating and designing I am required to do for my classes. So, I pretty much just use it as a note-taking machine and for the rare occasion that I need to do work on the go. I think my relationship with the technology I have and with media has made me a smarter person because I built my computer from scratch. I bought all the parts and put them together to make my computer and because of that I know how to fix any issues my computer has and I can diagnose if the problem is a hardware or software issue if one were to ever arise. As for the social media aspect, I used to post a lot of stuff when I was younger, but then I realized that stuff people post on the internet can be used against them in future job hires and whatnot. When I realized this, I instantly cut back on the number of things I would post on social media. Not because I was posting mean and harmful things, but because in today's society everyone will get mad at the littlest slip-up, and to me, it is not worth the risk to jeopardize my career over some dumb little social media post. That's one reason I do not use social media that much and another reason is that there is a lot of fake news circulating through social media, so it is hard to determine what is true and what is false unless you look it up yourself. On top of that, the independent fact-checkers will fact-check a post and still be wrong about it, so the only way to truly know is to look it up for yourself.


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