About Me

My name is Devin Long. I was born and raised here in Winston-Salem, NC. I am majoring in video game design, but the official name of the major is Interactive Media and Game Design. I enjoy all aspects of the game-making process; i.e. animating, coding, designing, etc. I am currently taking classes that deal with it all. Outside of class, I like to watch movies/tv with friends, travel, play video games, and I enjoy going for a swim during these hot summer days. After HPU I plan to attend a community college and getting a trade degree in the IT industry. This will help advance my career and give me a lot of options to choose from. Ultimately, the goal is to make successful video games, but if that does not work out I will stive have a job working with computers; which is my real passion. I love putting together computers and making them however I like. 


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