News Sources

 Fox News

Fox News is the only news channel I will actually sit down and watch on tv and even then I do not really watch it unless Tucker Carlson is on. The reason I like Fox News, more specifically Tucker, is because he is the only one asking the real questions that no one seems to answer and when asked they just get brushed over the shoulder.

Social Media

I get most of my information from social media; however, I always make sure to look up whatever it is that I see to make sure it is real or not. There is a lot of fake information out there on the internet so one can never truly know if what they see is real or fake unless people take the time to look it up themselves. Especially nowadays with big tech companies censoring the internet.

Independent Reporters

I also get a decent amount of information from independent reporters that go to the front lines that seek the truth. I watch youtube channels like "Fleccas Talks" or "Benny on the Block" as a way to get information because these people go out and report on the scene. I give a lot of respect to these people because while they are out reporting they are usually being harrassed by those with different views.


My friends and I are always talking about what's going on in the news, so if there something I have not heard or seen yet I generally learn it from them. After our talks we usually fact each other to make sure all of us are not just talking out of our ass.


Most of the stuff me and my friends talk about can usually be found in some easy access articles that we find on the internet. For instance, we found a government patent that allows for the use of nervous system manipulation through monitor screens from the electromagnetic fields they produce.


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