Supreme Court

 I ended up reading the article by the history channel and actually learned a few things about the Supreme Court that I did not know before. For instance, I did not know that the supreme court originally started out with 6 presiding justices. I also had no idea that they shifted the number of justices anywhere between five and ten before finally deciding nine was the right number. I also thought it was interesting that the justices had to make their rounds through the lesser circuit courts before they got rid of that. I think that it would not be as much of an issue today with the tools we have to travel quickly. The fact that only 115 justices have served on the supreme court is also a pretty cool thing to learn. The most important takeaway for me is that the supreme court is there to keep the other branches in check so that no one branch can obtain too much power; which is why we have the system of checks and balances in place.


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