TED Talks

I think it is scary how much the government can figure out about a person just by looking at their web history or where they go. A lot of people do not know this, but we lost all our privacy rights with the Patriot Act of 2001. This act allowed the government to listen in on phone calls and monitor every aspect of life for everyone in the "search" of terrorism within the country. So, it makes sense to me that phones and computers nowadays are made for the purpose of spying on us. My friends and I make jokes about it all the time when we play video games together. For instance, I named the FBI agent or whoever is in charge of tracking me Josh tell him to stop listening to me or make jokes about him listening in. I also think that the license plate tracker thing is a bit unnecessary because most people carry their phones on them and phones are personal trackers. So, to me it just kind of seems extra, but I understand because then the government will know who drives what vehicle. As for the revenge porn thing, I never put myself in a position for that to happen to me, but I do know people who have been threatened with their nude photos being released; which is terrible to say. That should not happen to anyone, but some people are just anger-driven and have no regard for how their actions affect others. I definitely think the government should do more to help the victims and punish the perpetrators.







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