The Hypocrisy of Twitter


Recently, there has been a lot of censorship and banned accounts on social media platforms. Twitter, more specifically, is one of these big tech companies that is involved in this censorship that breaks the first amendment. The internet is an everyday tool that people use for countless things and everyone has the right to use it if they have access to it. Everyone is free to have their own opinion protected by the first amendment; which means people should also be allowed to share their opinion on these social media platforms. However, these big tech companies think it is okay to censor people's opinions while promoting others. Recently, Donald Trump was banned from a lot of these platforms; and even more recently the country of Nigeria banned the use of Twitter after the platform deleted their President's tweet. In response to this, Twitter said, "The internet is a human right and everyone should be able to freely use it" (paraphrasing). Think of it like this, Twitter is a private company that owns private property on the internet, its web domain. Said private property is open to the public to use freely as said by the company, in response to Nigeria's ban. If one really thinks about it one could make the argument that Twitter has to accommodate for the public, "Public Accommodation," and abide by the law. So basically, Twitter is banning and censoring users, but when they get banned it is "a human right" to freely use the internet. However, that is not the case because if they truly felt that way there would not be any censorship at all. I think that if a website wants to establish servers in a country it should abide by that countries laws, regardless of wherever the company establishing the website is based.


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